Elisa Mirkil |||

Experiments with coding, data, and design

Learning new tools and approaches to bridge the gaps between the physical world, data, and experience.

Books that Bloom

Web Dev + Information Design

Reinterpreting my most influential books over time to uncover themes and explore the emergent properties of reading.

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A Scandinavian Expedition with Scrollytelling

Web Dev + Leaflet + Animation

Translating the off-the-grid experience of hiking and camping in the Arctic Circle into a digital memory with web mapping.

See it here

Mapping Department of Sanitation NYC Data

Web Dev + Python/OpenData + Carto

Capturing and visualizing NYC Open Data.

Check it out!

Up next Designing a software solution for well-being Visual Thinking
Latest posts Visualizing an abstract data set An analogue tool for an emerging technology Visual Thinking Experiments with coding, data, and design Designing a software solution for well-being Transforming data with design Writing Samples